A pre-listing inspection will help you get your home ready to sell.

What is a pre-listing inspection?
A pre-listing inspection is an evaluation of your home’s condition, conducted by a licensed inspector before you list it for sale. A professional inspector will identify potential problems and assess the overall condition of the property. The results will help you make decisions about what repairs or improvements are needed in order to get your home ready to sell.
A thorough inspection can save you money by identifying issues early on, when they’re still easy to fix. In addition, having an accurate assessment of any hidden problems in advance can give buyers confidence that they won’t be getting into something they don’t know about after moving in.

A pre-listing inspection provides valuable information about the home’s current condition and can help you:

  • Justify the asking price for the home
  • Reduce risk of buyers using the inspection report to renegotiate the sale price
  • Reduce post-sale disputes
  • Help identify and correct minor issues before they become major ones

A pre-listing inspection exactly the same as a buyer’s inspection; the only difference is that it’s paid for by the seller. The inspector will evaluate the overall condition of the property and its major systems, including plumbing, heating/cooling systems, electrical wiring and structural elements like roofing shingles and foundation walls. The report you receive from this process can help determine what repairs need to be made prior to putting your house on the market for sale. You can also use this documentation to inform potential buyers about any problems located during the inspection process so that they are aware of any issues before agreeing to purchase your home.

Improve the likelihood of a successful sale by sharing the pre-listing inspection report with potential buyers.

Sharing the inspection report with potential buyers is a great way to improve the likelihood of a successful sale. Potential buyers can use the report to get a better understanding of the home’s condition, and make an informed decision about whether or not they want to buy it.
A pre-listing inspection can help you determine maintenance or repair tasks that may be necessary to prepare your home for sale, helping you avoid costly delays, price reductions and even failed sales.

Help identify and correct minor issues before they become major ones, thereby avoiding the risk of buyers using these problems to renegotiate the sale price.

A pre-listing inspection is an important tool that can help you identify and correct minor issues before they become major ones. By identifying problems early on, you’ll avoid the risk of buyers using these problems to renegotiate the sale price, delay the closing date and even cancel their offer altogether.

Reduce the likelihood of post-sale disputes by allowing potential buyers who see the pre-listing inspection report to have a better understanding of the home’s condition at the time it was put on the market.

A pre-listing inspection can help you avoid post-sale disputes. A home inspection is an objective analysis of a property’s condition, conducted by a qualified professional who adheres to a rigorous standards of practice.
The goal of this process is to provide you with enough information about your house so that you can make an informed decision about whether to address issues before listing, and to help you and your real estate professional make any adjustments to the listing price. If there are major issues that need to be addressed before it goes on the market, then there will be fewer surprises after closing–and this could save both time and money!


In summary, a pre-listing inspection gives you an opportunity to make sure that your home is ready for sale. In addition, it can help reduce the likelihood of post-sale disputes by providing buyers with valuable information about the condition of the house before they purchase it.
Check out our Services page to learn more or Schedule your inspection today!